Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Week 1 of EDCT 203

On March 29th, 2012, my EDCT 203 class met for the first time. I was excited about this class, but was also a  bit nervous. I would not say I am completely delusional when it comes to technology, but at the same time, I would not consider myself superior to my peers when it comes to technology.

       As soon as I entered class, my reservations about the class completely disappeared. My professor, Dr. Akyeampong, made each student feel welcome by allowing ourselves to introduce each other and made us feel welcome to the class and the syllabus. The four hours our class was together, professor Akyeampong taught the class on how to create a blog, turn a word document into a PDF, hyperlink websites from different documents and sources, and create a proper word document with an easy-to-read format!

I look forward to learning as much as I can from EDCT 203. I think that learning how to make websites, word documents, and other technology-related items will help me succeed as a teacher. the 21st century is all about technology. While I always thought I would be the type of teacher that would strictly use the chalk board with limited amounts of PowerPoints and Smart Boards, I don't think that would be beneficial to both my students and myself. Using technology in many ways will like power points, blogs, and smart boards will help those students who learn more effectively through visuals. Being able to use the blog as a future educator would be amazing because I could write a blog a week there my students could look at and comment if they had any questions about the materials we discussed in class. I think this week we related well to the, "Digital Age learning" and "Digital Age network" with regards to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).

Expect a blog from me next week! I look forward to next week's class and I am excited to see what I get to learn.

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